GEO Business is shaping up to be one of the most important shows in the geospatial calendar, with 3000 international visitors expected to attend.  This geospatial event is designed for everyone involved in the gathering, storing, processing and delivery of geospatial information. For a couple of years now, Orbit GT is hosting a booth at this yearly event. This edition, we will focus on the impressive new autodetection features coming along with our version 18 solutions for 3D Mapping (Streetview, Nadir, Oblique; Mobile, Terrestrial, Indoor, Aerial), as well as our recentely released 3D Mapping Cloud product. If you like to arrange a meeting, please do not hesitate to contact us on beforehand. We are happy to catch up during or after the event!

See you in London!

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor geobusinessshow

Business Design Centre
London, UK

Tuesday May 21st: 9:00am – 6:00pm
Wednesday May 22nd: 9:00am – 4:00pm

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Orbit GT GeoBusiness 2019, London, UK
Autonomous vehicle maps in Singapore

Autonomous vehicle maps in Singapore

GPS Lands Singapore took on an initiative to produce a highly detailed map for an autonomous vehicle testing area in Singapore using 3D Mobile Mapping system to collect the data and perform feature extraction using the 3D data ...
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Using the 3DM Feature Extraction Pro allows semi-automated extraction of road features such as lane markings and curb lines, using the automatic detection of traffic signs and poles helps in identifying the location of all the traffic signs and traffic light poles where the operator is able to extract all the accepted detections.
Eric Low, Project Manager at GPS Lands

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