Come and visit our booth at todays largest UAS Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Orbit GT will release and present its newest version of 3D Mapping software. This new release includes the high-end manual/semi-automated feature extraction tools, volume calculation, contour line generation, asset inventory workflow, and many more. All imagery and point cloud (LiDAR or DSM) are supported !

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor commercial uav expo americas 2019

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Orbit GT Commercial UAV Expo Americas, Las Vegas
Road Management in Bern, Switzerland

Road Management in Bern, Switzerland

Until the realisation of the herein presented solution, it was inconceivable to view several thousand kilometres of point cloud and over 1.4 million images using standard computers at a public authority ...
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Thanks to the innovative data acquisition method and the powerful viewer, the client can be provided with a result that covers many other needs in addition to road condition analysis.
Marc Keller, Geomatics Engineer at Grunder

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