The GIS-T Symposium brings together professionals from government and private industry interested in the use of GIS for transportation. Get together and share experiences, see state-of-art software, and learn more about this field. Join Orbit GT in addition to the 40+ exhibitors in the technology hall.

Orbit welcomes you at our booth!

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor gis-t conference 2019

Location: Omni Orlando @ Champions Gate, Kissimmee, Florida

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Orbit GT GIS-T Conference, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Tech Focus: Mobile Mapping a 600m tunnel in Israel

Tech Focus: Mobile Mapping a 600m tunnel in Israel

Photogrammetry is one of the most fundamental task’s Ofek Aerial Photography is doing on a daily basis. In almost every aerial mapping mission, there is a need in ground survey to complete the sampling of obscured objects ...
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Mobile mapping is our preferred choice for doing such measurements, but what if the Area of Interest of the survey includes a 600m tunnel without GPS reception at all?
Ori Isenberg, Head of Mobile Mapping Department at Ofek Aerial Photo, Israel

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