Orbit GT opens an additional Data Center Online totaling 5 Data Centers covering the globe.
“Happy to say that a 5th Data Center has been opened to better support our growing customer requests”, says Peter Bonne, CEO of Orbit GT. “The US West Data Center provides a significant increase in performance of our 3D Mapping Cloud product for our customers west of Chicago, USA.”
Content includes street-level Mobile Mapping (spherical imagery and LiDAR point cloud), Aerial Nadir and Oblique imagery and aerial LiDAR point cloud, Terrestrial scanning, UAV-based scanning, textured mesh derived from aerial imagery.
The content is kindly made available to all by Geograma (Spain), Geomni (USA), RIEGL (Austria) and Ofek (Israel).
To get a look, go to www.3dmapping.cloud and hit ‘Try It Now”. You will be automatically redirected to the data center nearest to your location.
La Matanza, Argentina, optimizes public advertising using Mobile Mapping
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