Orbit GT Orbit GT releases free SDK/API for 3D Mapping Cloud SaaS platform

Orbit GT releases free SDK/API for HTML5 Viewer supporting the 3D Mapping Cloud SaaS platform and the On-Premise 3DM Publisher.

“What is GIS or Mapping if you can’t integrate it in your workflow ?  In Orbit GT’s vision, integration is key”, says Peter Bonne, CEO of Orbit GT. “We’ve been working very hard to build a stable, performant, flexible, yet very simple SDK to allow integrations of any 3D Mapping data into a customer’s workflow. This SDK includes all capabilities of the 3D Mapping Cloud Viewer, is free to be used, and can be embedded in any web-based or desktop-based application and workflow. No limits. Great results.”

The SDK supports all 3D Mapping content hosted by 3D Mapping Cloud or the on premise 3DM Publisher : Mobile Mapping, Aerial LiDAR and Oblique imagery, Indoor scanning, UAV content, and much more.  All fused together on the fly.

3D Mapping Cloud is Orbit GT’s SaaS platform designed to host, process and share massive volumes of LiDAR, Imagery and other reality capture data, however it has been collected.  It supports high resolution Mobile Mapping as well as aerial Oblique mapping, each with fully automated adapted viewer behavior.  Equal user experience is provided in the SDK.

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Getmapping provides UK with street imagery

Getmapping provides UK with street imagery

Getmapping plc is a leading provider of aerial photography, mapping products and data hosting solutions in the UK and South Africa. Founded in 1998, Getmapping was the first organisation to create a complete photographic record of the UK, called the Millennium Map. Since then, Getmapping has expanded to provide Web Services (WMS, WFS, INSPIRE), hosted GIS and consultancy to a range of industries in the public and private sector ...
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Street Layer has generated savings in many departments and is used throughout the Council for anything from planning, insurance validation to our customer service team taking calls.
Martin Laker, GIS Team Leader at Bath and North East Somerset Council, UK

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