C2L Equipment, South Korea has been selected as Reseller of Orbit GT Mobile Mapping software products.
“We are glad to have signed a Reseller Agreement with Orbit GT, a powerful S/W provider of Mobile Mapping solutions. We have been waiting for the best S/W solutions to the acquired data by MMS”, says Bratt Lee, CEO of C2L Equipment. “OrbitGT’s Mobile Mapping solutions must speed up the mobile mapping market in Korea and we are very proud of being OrbitGT’s partner.”
C2L Equipment has been manufacturing GIS related equipment for years, and one of the most competitive products is its MMS (Mobile Mapping System). C2L Equipment has supplied several outdoor MMSs to customers and is currently manufacturing indoor MMS and drone MMS scheduled to turn out early next year. C2L Equipment is capable to provide any type of GIS related equipment on customers’ request.

La Matanza, Argentina, optimizes public advertising using Mobile Mapping
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