Orbit GT Orbit GT will demo free ArcOnline widget for 3D Mapping Cloud at Esri UC, San Diego, CA

Orbit GT will demo the free ArcOnline widget for its 3D Mapping Cloud SaaS platform at next week’s Esri UC in San Diego, CA.

“The ArcOnline widget opens a complete new world to all ArcOnline users”, says Peter Bonne, CEO of Orbit GT. “It provides access to massive 3D resources available in 3D Mapping Cloud right within your App.  In one effort, you can now access terabytes of point clouds, spherical imagery, oblique imagery, UAV data and more in a single widget.  A widget per data type has instantly become history.”

The Orbit GT widget for ArcOnline is built using the HTML5 based 3D Mapping Cloud Viewer SDK and has equal capabilities as the 3D Mapping Cloud web based Viewer.  At the same time, this SDK also accesses the many installed on premise 3DM Publishers.  So a single widget provides access to public and private resources.

3D Mapping Cloud is Orbit GT’s SaaS platform designed to host, process and share massive volumes of LiDAR, Imagery and other reality capture data, however it has been collected.  It supports high resolution Mobile Mapping as well as aerial Oblique mapping, each with fully automated adapted viewer behavior.  Data can be shared informally using a 1-click Bookmark, or via a formal nicely setup Publication.  Check it out today!

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Singapore Smart Nation

Singapore Smart Nation

As part of singapore’s quest to be a smart nation, the Singapore Land Authority (sla) embarked on a 3D national mapping initiative in 2014. This initiative aims to create and maintain an accurate national 3D map that is developed once and used by many ...
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We will continue to invest in equipping our team to be the best for the sole interests of our valued customers, who have placed their trust in us and supported us all these years.
Johnson Ang, Project Manager GPS Lands

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